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Do you have membership fees?

No Hidden Fees - Membership Payment - Monthly Orders

Aileen avatar
Written by Aileen
Updated over a week ago

🚧 We are a fee-free zone 🚧

No membership fees here. You only pay for the boxes that get ordered and ship your way! πŸ“¦

Though we are an automatic renewal subscription service, we make living in concert with nature easy! Your orders renew automatically according to your frequency of choice. That said, we understand that sometimes life happens and your convenience is one of our priorities, so we make it easy to skip, slow down shipments, or cancel your membership at any time between orders with no fees.

If you’re already a member and want to learn more about how to adjust your shipping schedule, please check out our Help Article with more details about this here: Can I change my order schedule? πŸ“†

Ready to be a part of the Wild Alaskan community? Click here to place your first order and welcome aboard! 🚒

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